Thursday 9 December 2010

Hazelnut and Vanilla Biscotti

Makes 100

I’m going to go out on a limb and declare this recipe foolproof. It’s also very adaptable; feel free to change the nuts, add chocolate or orange zest. Biscotti has so much in its favour: easy to make in bulk, it contains no added fat and retains its crunch for weeks. If this quantity seems a little daunting or unnecessary, I’ve found the dough is quite happy to sit in the fridge for up to 3 days, to be baked off when required. Just handle the cold dough with wet hands to make life easier. Needless to say, these are the perfect accompaniment to coffee, either after or instead of dessert.

500g plain flour
500g golden caster sugar
500g whole hazelnuts
1tbsp baking powder
2 tsp vanilla extract
5 eggs, beaten

Combine the dry ingredients in a large bowl. Beat the vanilla into the eggs, and add to the dry mix. Stir, either with spoon or hand, until the mixture forms a dough. It may seem too dry, but resist the temptation to add any extra liquid; all of a sudden it will come together. Divide the mixture into six, and on a lightly floured surface roll each piece into a cylinder of 1 inch diameter. Place in pairs on parchment-lined baking trays, very well spaced out as they will spread. Bake at 180˚c for around 15 minutes, until and even golden brown. Remove from the oven and reduce the temperature to 100˚c. Leave the dough splodges to cool and firm up for at least another 15 minutes before transferring to a chopping board. With a serrated knife, cut slices on the diagonal of around ½ a cm, and place the slices back on to the trays, cut side up. Return to the oven for around an hour, until the biscuits are crisp and deep brown. If you feel the inclination, you can turn the biscotti over half way through this cooking time, but it is not essential.

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